Can you handle the speed of the race and the sloppiness of the mud? Find out by putting your machine and your driving skills to the test in the newest challenge at High Lifter Mud Nationals – the ATV/UTV Drag Race!
Sign up at the High Lifter Information Booth before 4PM on Friday, April 5. The entry fee for the Drag Racing is $20 per person.
The drivers meeting will be held Friday, April 5 at 4PM at the drag strip. Staging for this event will begin at 4:30PM with the event to begin at 5PM.
UTV Classes
0-800cc 35″ all tire size
801-900cc 35″ all tire size
901-1000cc 35″ and under tire size
901-1000cc 36″ and up tire size
Turbo 35″ and under tire size
Turbo 36″ and up tire size
ATV Classes
0-450cc 35″ all tire size
451-700cc 35″ all tire size
701-1000cc 35″ and under tire size
701-1000cc 36″ and up tire size
Rules for all classes:
- All racers are required to wear a helmet.
- The driver’s meeting will be held 1 hour before race time.
- A second early jump start will result in a disqualification.
- Single elimination races.
- Judge has final call.
- Starting positions will be determined by random drawing of position numbers during registration.
- Drivers must pull up to the starting line and stop.
- Drivers must then make attempt while staying inbounds. Boundaries will be marked, if you cross them you be disqualified.
- The finish line will be clearly marked.
- Drivers must have their unit at the staging area at the time designated by officials. Any driver or machine not present for staging will take the risk of being disqualified.
- ATVs may not compete with UTVs in same class.
- Participants should not consume any alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other type of contraband on the day of the competitions.
- You must be at least 16 years of age to compete.
All rules subject to change.